Odoo Accounting​

Accounting is certainly one of the most important aspects of a business's management, but it is often neglected and left solely in the hands of the accountant. Today, effective business management is accomplished with applications like Odoo accounting, as it offers automation tools and clear, real-time updated dashboards, allowing entrepreneurs like you to steer their business with peace of mind. 

The benefits of Odoo Accounting

Cristal clear overview

Everything is interconnected in Odoo. This allows data to intersect and offer insights according to your needs: key performance indicators, open supplier invoices, overdue customer invoices, etc. With a clear view of the important aspects of your business, you gain agility and free up time for your clients and the development of your activity.


Thanks to the processes we implement in your accounting, your supplier invoices, meal vouchers, and visa statements are automatically recorded and reconciled with your bank transactions. No more endless and time-consuming encoding. These new processes make your life simpler!

Paper is over

One of the major advantages of Odoo accounting is the ability to process supplier invoices in digital format. We set up transfers of your supplier invoices and an approval flow for them in Odoo. Thus, you manage their reception, approval, and payment in one place​

The steps to benefit from Odoo Accounting


Definition of your accounting plan and basic setup of the Odoo Accounting module


Definition and implementation of automations to optimize document flows and lettering processes


Training in the use of the tool and in adopting new processes to maximize the potential of your accounting system

Smart decisions

With the Odoo Accounting module, your sales and purchase invoices are located in one place. This centralization, coupled with the automations offered by the software, allows for dashboards that show your key figures in real-time. Thus, you have a crucial tool for your decision-making.

Time savings

The new processes implemented in terms of document management and payments will save significant time for your staff. This additional time can be allocated to tasks with higher added value for your clients and your business.

More money

Tracking your clients' payments becomes child's play. In just a few seconds, you can see who owes you how much and for how long. With a few clicks, or automatically, you can send payment reminders to your clients. This results in better cash flow in your account without having to invest more time chasing after your clients.

Is Odoo suitable for my business ?

Many entrepreneurs today are asking themselves this question. This 5-page white paper answers it by describing the types of businesses Odoo solutions cater to. If you're looking to increase your company's profitability, have a clear view of your financials, streamline your administrative management, or establish an online presence for your business, then this document will show how Odoo can help you achieve these goals.

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Frequently asked questions

Can I manage my visa payments in Odoo?  

Yes, by importing Visa statements. 

Yes, thanks to Odoo's intelligent reporting or the reports and dashboards offered by NX Digital, tailored to your business and your needs. 

Yes, thanks to your balance sheet and the history of customer and supplier open items, we can import your opening balances into Odoo.